Church Online Can’t make it to church? Watch Our Livestream Sundays at 10AM Give YouTube Facebook Know God YouTube Video VVVRdWpKa1BYazQxVnl4US1IeGZidHRRLkJyRy02bVF5SFY4 His Authority. Our Freedom - Luke 4:31-44 - Part 2| NBCF Livestream 03-23-25 In Depth Bible Study - 2 Kings 21 | NBCF Livestream 03-19-2025 | Wednesday Evening Service His Authority. Our Freedom - The Gospel of Luke 4:31-44 | NBCF Livestream 03-16-25 In Depth Bible Study - 2 King 20 - Part 2 | NBCF Livestream 03-12-2025 | Wednesday Evening Service Faithful to the Mission - The Gospel of Luke 4:16-30 | NBCF Livestream 03-9-25 In Depth Bible Study - 2 King 20 | NBCF Livestream 03-05-2025 | Wednesday Evening Service How to Overcome Temptation Like Jesus - Part 2 - The Gospel of Luke 4:1-15 | NBCF Livestream 03-2-25 In Depth Bible Study - 2 King 19| NBCF Livestream 02-26-2025 | Wednesday Evening Service How to Overcome Temptation Like Jesus - The Gospel of Luke 4:1-15 | NBCF Livestream 02-23-2025 The Message that still Speaks Out - The Gospel of Luke 3:7-38 | NBCF Livestream 02-16-2025