David Crespo - June 12, 2022
He Taught His Disciples

Scripture References: Mark 9:30-50
From Series: "Messiah on the Move - A study through the Gospel of Mark"
We follow the footsteps of Jesus as He moves through His Ministry
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CloseDuring Jesus’ public ministry He was continually on the move, coming along side those who were hurting, and those who were in need of a Savior. And Wether it was preaching, teaching, or healing, Jesus was always about His Fathers business! Today Pastor David Crespo picks us back up in chapter nine of the Gospel of Mark where we will see that Jesus also spent time where He taught His disciples. We listen in to learn more!
Scripture References: Mark 9:30-50
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We follow the footsteps of Jesus as He moves through His Ministry
David Crespo
Mark 9:11-29
David Crespo
Mark 9:11-29
David Crespo
Mark 9:11-29