David Crespo - November 9, 2022
The Good News

Scripture References: Galatians 2:1-21
From Series: "Galatians - The Ministry and Theology of Paul The Apostle"
Galatians, an in-depth study through the Ministry and Theology of Paul The Apostle
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CloseWe join Pastor David Crespo in the book of Galatians as we continue in our latest study through this letter that Paul the Apostle wrote to the church at Galatia. We learn from chapter two that there were false brethren that came in secretly to the church preaching another Gospel which stated justification is found by faith in Jesus Christ plus works! But the Bible tells us and Paul reiterates justification is found by faith in Jesus Christ alone! We listen in to learn more!
Scripture References: Galatians 2:1-21
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Galatians, an in-depth study through the Ministry and Theology of Paul The Apostle
David Crespo
Galatians 6:1-18